Model-View-Controller is one architectural pattern to clearly separate an application into three layers.

This is the predominant pattern established by server-side web frameworks such as Symfony, and it's important to understand it well.

There are some misconceptions and common misuses of the pattern, so here is an attempt to clarify how it should be applied.

This separation is mostly conceptual. Even though there are some distinctions in the common file types, base classes or common contents, most frameworks don't really force us to organize our files in a way that explicitly separates the three layers that correspond to three directories in the project.

So, more than placing a certain concern in a certain place, this pattern is focused on ensuring that the concerns don't mix together. What's relevant is not that a Controller should be on a certain directory, it's that it does not contain model or view logic.

The View

The view is usually the easiest part to understand and separate.

It is mainly (but not only) composed by templates that allow to render data in what is usually a user-friendly way.

In Symfony projects, that usually means a Twig template. But it can also be menu or form renderers, for example.

There are a couple of things that make up a good view layer:

  • Templates should NOT use variables or any logic other than extremely simple ifs and iterators to decide parts of the template to show
  • Templates can only interact with the Model to retrieve simple accessors

An important concept is that an application can actually have multiple separate view layers. For example, it can have an entire view layer for HTML and a separate one for API.


The controller layer is where the technical interaction logic occurs. It translates the inputs and the context of the web request and translates them into the appropriate actions to be executed upon the model, passes such values to fill the view and present it to the user.

This is where the frameworks provide more value, by most of times doing most of the heavy-lifting of pattern-matching routing, handling security, 404s, etc.

But Controllers should simply retrieve inputs, providing them to the model, then the results to the view. And that should be it, NO LOGIC, no ifs, no loops, etc.


The single exception to having logic in the controller is if its interaction logic (though most is likely achievable through embedded framework configurations).

Interaction logic is only the one that decides technical aspects (e.g. the HTTP return code), but should NEVER include the supporting business logic that supports the decision on what interaction to apply.

For example, in a Controller, instead of this:

if ($document->getOwner() != $currentUser && !$currentUser->isAdmin()) {
  $this->createNotFoundException('Document not found!');

we should do this instead:

if (! $currentUser->isAllowedToSeeDocument($document)) {
  $this->createNotFoundException('Document not found!');

Bare in mind that an application can also have multiple groups of isolated controllers. For example, a web application can have, beside its main HTTP-driven controller layer, a group of command-line commands for system administration.

In this layer it is common to see the anti-pattern to put too much logic in the Controller layer, but most of the times, refactoring it to the Model should be easy.


Model is everything else, and is where the heart of the application should be.

Its where the BUSINESS LOGIC lives, where the system has the rules that represent the business domain and the business rules on how to interact with such domain.

Because of its wider scope, this is usually the hardest of the three layers to maintain organized.

Sometimes the concept of the Model is confused with the concept of database-backed entities, but Model are all business-domain-specific classes, which includes both persisted and not persisted objects.

Entities should be classes that represent business objects that are unique in the sense that have an identity, and even if two are identical (think of two human twins), they are still considered two separated objects that can become different over time.

By having an identity, not considered to be ephemeral immutable objects, Entities are usually persisted through an EntityManager (such as Doctrine).

An entity should be the single responsible for changing its state, and all state coordinated state changes to an entity should be made by it.

Instead of this:


Consider this instead:


Public getters and setters should be avoided, and only created when it makes sense to have a direct and isolated change of that specific property (for example, if that property is tied to a form).

Besides persisted entities, classes should be organized according to the business domain logic (Domain Driven Design), and represent a direct translation of business concepts and activities.

Reversely, there should not be no awareness of the controller, session, or other interface-related objects in the Model. It's up to the controller to filter what is needed and pass down just the business-related concepts to the Model.