My name is Luís Faceira and I'm an addicted learner, obsessed with process and culture in software engineering.

I've worked with companies of all sizes to increase software development productivity, through the establishment of agile software development practices leading to continuous delivery.

I'm a public speaker on the subject of DevOps and Continuous Delivery and I practice what I preach daily, by applying the same techniques and technologies that I help other companies setup inside Winning Scientific Technology.

Professional history

I've started programming when I was 10 years old and started my first online business/stint when I was 13. I've never stopped learning since then.

After some time working in a consultancy multinational, and as a result of increasing frustration from the waste of inefficient software development practices, in 2008 I've co-founded be.ubi, a web-based software development shop. Our efficient approach to software development (before the popularity of DevOps), and our early heavy usage of cloud attracted the interest of multiple peers which wanted to learn from us. In 2019, my company integrated a larger management consulting group and is since called Winning Scientific Technology.

It is an award-winning software development company that specialized itself in continuous delivery services and solutions. It develops continuous delivery tools and provides consulting, custom development, training and hiring services to teams and companies of all sizes, from small startups to international enterprises, in verticals ranging from financial services to sports.

Besides being an equity partner, I currently serve as Winning's Head of Engineering and Product. I'm particularly focused on the technological vision for the group and its software and product development initiatives.

I also provide training and consulting on DevOps and Continuous Delivery.

Specialties: Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Software Development, Quality Assurance, Agile, IT Entrepreneurship, Product Development, Object-Oriented Programming, Cloud, Containers.


I was born in Portugal. I currently live in Aveiro, a vibrant coastal city in Portugal filled with canals and modern art buildings. I've lived here most of my life, though for longer or shorter periods, I've lived in multiple cities from Lisbon to San Francisco.

I love to travel. I specially love to take a plane with my wife to another point of the globe, rent a car and do a trip across smaller less-known destinations of a foreign country.

Once in a while I also enjoy more adventurous escapes such as going for skydiving, scuba diving, rafting, roller coasting, etc.

I have a daughter with 13 years old, and a little boy with 3.

For me, technology is not only a professional side, it also takes a big part of my personal life and I'm a gadget freak, always looking for the next little automation to be made on our house, car, etc.

I like movies, specially dark comedies and dense thrillers.